PVHS is currently home to over 140 students that receive special education services via their IEP. PVHS special education students are fully included in general education classes and all are on a track to earn a high school diploma or a certificate of completion. Supported through Guided Study classes and an effective relationship with their case carrier, PVHS students not only graduate from high school, but also pursue their dreams in Colleges and universities across the country. In addition to IEP mandated services, special education students also have access to the other PVHS student support programs such as tutoring and peer mentoring. The PVHS special education staff, composed of seven special education teachers, a school psychologist, a speech and language pathologist and instructional assistants, works as a team along with families in order support students to reach their full potential while attending PVHS.
The staff at PVHS invites all special education students, of all abilities and level, to become the newest class of Sea Kings! | Get more information about Special Education at PVHS
504 Accomodation Plans
There are over 100 students at PVHS that have accommodations afforded to them under a Section 504 plan. The 504 plan students are supported by their academic support team, consisting of the academic counselor and administrator. The academic counselor who also serves as the 504 plan coordinator, meets with each student with a 504 Plan on an annual basis in order to review student progress and adjust the accommodations to better meet the needs of each student. The PVHS teachers and staff are extremely diligent in their implementation of 504 Plans. In addition to the accommodations made in the classroom, students with a 504 Plan have access to a host of student support programs including tutoring and peer mentoring.
For more information regarding 504 Plans, please feel free to contact:
Jason Ito, Associate Principal
Email: mailto:[email protected]
In 2009, PVHS started a reading intervention program designed to aide students in basic skills that they may not have obtained in earlier grades. By trying to address deficiencies in basic skills, pull-out intervention programs allowed students to make significant gains in reading fluency and specifically reading comprehension.
All PVHS Intervention Programs Feature:
- Research-based, computer-aided learning programs
- Read Naturally
- One on One instruction
- Progress monitoring systems
- Class-wide probes for intervention candidates
- Open access to all students
A mentor is defined as a knowledgeable and experienced guide, a trusted ally and advocate, and a caring role model. Due to their close association with other students, Peer Mentors are very important. Often students confronted with an academic or personal problem will seek out advice first from a Peer Mentor and only with encouragement will that student contact an adult, such as counselor, teacher, or administrator as necessary. The purpose of the PVHS Peer Mentoring Program is to match high achieving upperclassmen (mentor) with underclassmen struggling academically and/or socially. This relationship will not only help these struggling students to succeed academically but also with career planning and the development of life management skills such as dealing with personal and family problems and peer pressure.
The Palos Verdes High School English Language program is individualized and has evolved based on the needs of the PVHS student population. We offer ELD 2 and 3 with a low (5:1) teacher-student ratio. Both levels are two hour blocks that focus on reading and writing strategies using Longman’s Keystone series and Focus on Grammar texts, as well as the Thesys Blackboard Blended Online Learning Program. In addition, listening and speaking skills will be developed throughout the courses. ELD 3 would also include literature selection from the English 1 curriculum. Fluent-English Proficient students are fully included in a grade level, college preparation program, based upon the belief that English learning students at this level are best served by a pull-out/push-in supplemental support program in general education classes. English Language Learners (ELL) are supported in general education classes by qualified teachers, using proven instructional strategies with the support of the ELD coordinator. The ELD coordinator is a credentialed English/CTEL teacher that serves as a liaison, communicating with the teachers, students and parents in order to provide additional support in academic classes. ELL students are monitored for grades on a quarterly basis to provide support as needed in a timely manner. PVHS provides ELL’s a school environment which fosters physical and emotional security, encourages community involvement, and focuses the school climate on creating opportunities for student engagement.
ELL students are also monitored on a monthly basis to ensure that their reading fluency and comprehension is at or above grade level. Students that are not reading at grade level, or progressing with their peers, are offered several reading intervention programs and time from their non-academic courses to receive supplemental instruction aimed to raise reading fluency and comprehension.