Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
AVID Coordinator
Cari Secrist
Room: 401
Phone: 310-378-8471 Ext. 43710
Email: [email protected]
AVID 10 Teacher
Shellie Parkinson – AVID 12 teacher
Jeff Beaucar – AVID 11 teacher
Marissa Salgado AVID teacherMarissa Salgado – AVID 9 teacher

Watch AVID Videos
- Video overview of AVID from AVID Coordinators from both High Schools
- PVHS 2021 AVID Recruitment Video
- AVID Senior’s Message to incoming Freshmen
To Learn More about applying to PVHS AVID, visit the AVID PVHS Page by Clicking Here
AVID is a program targeting the academic middle students. It serves approximately 13% of the PVHS student body. The PVHS AVID program recruits 8th grade students with a grade point average (GPA) range of 2.5 to 3.2 who have the desire to attend college with a commitment to work hard. These students have the capability of completing a rigorous curriculum. In middle school, however, they fall short of this potential.
The AVID program increases rigor by providing a challenging curriculum, teaching study skills, and organization, as well as offering academic support. As a result, students in the PVHS AVID program maintain an average GPA of 3.5.
AVID Curriculum
AVID students are encouraged to enroll in the most rigorous classes. They are given the goal of enrolling in at least 1 honors course by sophomore year and 1 AP course by senior year. In the 2019-2020 academic year, 35% of AVID 9 students are enrolled in at least 1 honors or AP course, while AVID 10 has 47%, AVID 11 has 71% and AVID 12 has 83% enrolled in at least 1 honors or AP course.
The AVID elective class that meets every other day on the block schedule. The college readiness curriculum is driven by the WICOR method: writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading. College test preparation is emphasized in the freshman, sophomore, and junior curriculum. Students prepare for the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT), Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), and American College Test (ACT) in AVID with the support of outside test preparation companies such as Blue Train Tutoring and Study Hut Tutoring.
College research is integral to the curriculum. The AVID elective team organizes two college visits per year. These trips are open to all AVID students. The AVID curriculum includes student research and presentations on diverse colleges. The AVID 10 curriculum includes Road Trip Nation, a career exploration program. In addition, the AVID 11 and AVID 12 curriculums focus on preparing college applications, letters of recommendation, writing personal statements/ college entrance essays and researching scholarship opportunities. All AVID 12 students are expected to take either the SAT or ACT as well as submit at least one 4-year university application.
AVID Faculty
One key to a successful AVID program is a site coordinator/teacher who works well with the faculty, the staff, and the tutors. The site coordinator and the AVID elective teachers strive to meet the needs of the students by coordinating AVID methodology school wide, organizing the AVID curriculum and activities, and placing students on a college preparatory curriculum. The AVID elective team guides the students through the college application process.
AVID Tutor
Tutors are essential to the success of the AVID elective class because they aid students accessing rigorous curriculum.
The tutors (college students and graduates) receive formal training from the AVID District Director. As a result, they are well-qualified and excellent role models for students in the AVID program. The tutors serve as mentors to small groups of students in each AVID class. Through this mentor relationship, the tutor provides one-on-one monitoring and coaching of each student. Additionally, AVID elective teachers and tutors also offer study hall the weekend before semester finals.
AVID Parent
AVID parents support their students by encouraging academic achievement. They participate in site team meetings, as well as maintain regular contact with the elective teachers and the AVID coordinator. AVID family events draw many parents and students to participate.
AVID Site Team
AVID elective teachers, administrators, counselors, content teachers, students, parents, and tutors make up the site team. The site team meets monthly to evaluate and make improvements to the AVID program. Additionally, the team works to ensure annual certification.
AVID Student Support
The AVID elective teacher and counselor monitor the students’ four-year plans, ensuring that every AVID student meets the A-G requirements, are on track for four-year university admittance and complete at least one 4-year university application.